MobileMark 25 Result Detail

Battery Life and MobileMark Index


Result Details

Rank #67 of 292
Date 2021-10-29
System 0M51J7
CPU Notebook
Cores 4 Core(s)
Logical Processors 8 Logical Processor(s)
Memory 32.0 GB
Disk 238.47 GB (256,052,966,400 bytes) NVMe KXG60ZNV256G NVMe KIOXIA 256GB
Video Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe Graphics
Video Resolution 1920 x 1080 x 60 hertz
OS Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
Designed Capacity 62366
Full Charge Capacity 53306
Power Management BAPCo MobileMark 25
Power Slider DCBalancedBetter Performance
Modified yes
Configuration Notes MobileMark 25 calibration system
Signature 4a242dc45e56bde0fa4d874a90fa28db5c880d3fa9b44e40874e4fb60c02739c